Abesi Manyando
3 min readSep 27, 2018

Tani Sushi Bistro redefines the urban dinning experience. See how!

They say “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” — Saint Ambrose

When in St.Louis, do as the Midwest’s best do. Therefore, it is imperative that you visit one of the top sushi restaurants in the Midwest when you are there. Located in Clayton, Missouri, Tani Sushi Bistro will satisfy all of your cravings. The Midwest is not like New York in being a melting-pot for cultural diversity but Tani Sushi Bistro is ensuring that you receive a gratifying, tasty Asian-dining experience unlike no other. Tani implements this narrative through their array of menu options. Integrating taste with texture and an unforgettable ambiance has placed the Bistro at the epicenter of fine dining. Receiving the award for “Best Sushi in the Midwest”, Tani is the one place that consistently delivers each and every time.

We sat down with the co-owner of the restaurant, Eric Heckman, to provide you with more information about what may become your go-to sushi bar when in St.Louis.

Q: How does your restaurant maintain the integrity of the Asian dining experience while satisfying the urban interest in Clayton, Missouri?

A: We don’t lose out authenticity with quality of product. I purchase the best quality products at the highest distributors. We keep up with trends in NYC, Chicago & San Francisco.

Q: How does the ambiance of your restaurant differentiate in comparison to your competitors?

A: We have received several awards including Best Sushi in The Midwest. As far as ambiance, we have worked hard at Tani to make you feel you are in a New York, Chicago or any cosmopolitan restaurant in larger cities. However, it also makes it comfortable for people locally.

Q: What practices are routinely enforced to ensure a progressive approach to the Tani dinning experience?

A: One, is the ambiance. Consistently maintaining the quality of product. Employing the highest skilled chefs. Most importantly, education on customer service. We are also always doing R&D (research and development) for Tani Sushi Bistro.

Q: What methods are currently in place to ensure attentive service?

A: Daily meetings, testing on new products, teaching staff on new products. What the product pairs with and tastings with staff so they can speak on product.

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